We are a community of priests and brothers, founded in Italy by St. Hannibal Di Francia. We find the deepest desire of the Heart of Jesus for the salvation of humankind in the words:

"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers to gather in his harvest” .(Mt. 9: 37-38)


We strive to be good laborers in the Lord’s harvest by bringing throughout the world a wide range of services and ministries. We lead movements of prayer for the increase of vocations in the Church and, through a variety of publications; we try to create greater vocation awareness among the people of God. We are involved in the education of youth, the social assistance of the underprivileged, especially children, orphans and the poor. We are also committed to the parishes and our missions around the world.

Father Denny

Father Denny Joseph, R.C.J.

Father Denny entered the Rogationists Seminary in Kerala, India on June 8, 1995. He was Ordained on January 8, 2009 in Kerala, India. He later came to U.S. in 2014.

He was assigned to St. Elizabeth Parish in Van Nuys, CA for four years, and later transferred to St. Mary’s Parish in Sanger in 2018.

Father Denny was assigned pastor of St. Anthony of Padua on February 24, 2020. In addition to being our Pastor, Fr Denny is also the Treasurer for the Congregation of the Rogationist Fathers of the Heart of Jesus in the U.S.A.—Mexico Delegation.

Father Carlo

Rev. Carlo Balaguer, R.C.J.
Parochial Vicar

Father Carlo was born and raised in the Philippines, he was ordained to Priesthood on December 20, 2014.

Over the years, Father Carlos has served the Rogationist Fathers in Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and in the Mexico.

Father Carlos is fluent in Tagalog and English and has been working on perfecting his Spanish skills. Father is excited to explore our community, and he looks forward to getting to know everyone.

Sr. Lucy Cassarino, F.D.Z.
St. La Salle School Principal

Sr Lucy and the Daughters of the Divine Zeal arrived in Reedley on August 1, 1997. As the educational leader of St. La Salle School, Sr Lucy is responsible for managing the policies, regulations, and procedures to ensure that all students are supervised in a safe, traditional, Catholic learning environment that meets the approved curricula and mission of St. La Salle School.

Sr. Lucy Cassarino

    Parish Staff    

Andrea Martinez

Andrea and her husband, Victor were was married in our parish in 2008. Together they have 4 children; three of which currently attend our parish school of St. La Salle. Her responsibilities include monitoring and reporting all income and expenses for our parish main account. She oversees the parish ministries accounts. Andrea is also responsible for tracking Parishioner Weekly contributions and New Church Loan contributions.

Andrea Martinez

Lois Ellsworth
Office Assistant

Lois has been a parishioner of St. Anthony’s since 2004. She worked in the Banking Industry for several years before retiring. After retirement, Lois decided to help more with the parish. She is an Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister and helps in the office. She and her husband Jerry were married for 58 years. They were blessed to have three children, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

Lois Ellsworth

Maria Elena Islas

Maria Elena has been the parish housekeeper since 1999. She is responsible for purchasing food and cooking meals for the priests. She is also responsible for maintaining a clean environment in the rectory and office areas. Maria Elena and her husband Marco were married in our parish. They have been married for 28 years now. The have two adult children.

Maria Elena Islas

Maria Elena Duran

Maria Elena has been our parish sacristan for 13 years now. She helps priests prepare for Mass; helps during Mass and after Mass. She is entrusted with the care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents. Maria Elena and her husband Gabriel were blessed to celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary in our parish. They were married for 28 years before he passed. Together they had six adult children.

Maria Elena Duran

Sonia Reyna
Religious Ed. Coordinator

Sonia is responsible for the First Communion Preparation Program and Special Needs First Communion and Confirmation Preparation Programs.

Sonia Reyna

Sr Angelie Marie Inoferio
Religious Ed. Coordinator

Sr Angelie Marie Inoferio, F.D.Z. is responsible for the Youth Confirmation Preparation Program. She is also the Transitional Kindergarten Teacher at St. La Salle School.

Sr Angelie Marie Inoferio