Adoración Nocturna

Los Adoradores Nocturnos son hombres y mujeres que voluntariamente juraron a Jesús Sacramentado, ofrecerle cada mes una noche de amor y sacrificio ante su Santísima presencia, en reparación de sus faltas y las del mundo entero. La Adoración el Segundo Sábado de cada mes después de la Misa de las 7:00 PM hasta medianoche. Para más información, por favor comunicase con el Presidente.

Presidente: Mauricio Santos

Altar Servers / Acolitos

Youth grades 6th -12th are invited to become part of the altar-serving ministry. Becoming an alter server is a great way to make a meaningful contribution to the liturgy and participating in our community of faith. Alter Servers must have received First Holy Communion and be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate reverence. For more information please call.

Se invita a los jóvenes de 6º a 12º grado a formar parte del ministerio de servicio del altar. Convertirse en un servidor alterno es una excelente manera de hacer una contribución significativa a la liturgia y participar en nuestra comunidad de fe. Los suplentes deben haber recibido la Primera Comunión y ser lo suficientemente maduros para comprender sus responsabilidades y cumplirlas bien y con la debida reverencia. Para obtener más información, por favor llame.

English Masses: Joseph and Cindy Garcia

Misas en Español: Salvador Gutierrez

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Our Lady of Grace Court #2637

Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. For more information, please call.

Regent: Jola Holguin

Catholics in Action

Catholics in Action was formed in 2010. We are a on-campus club at Reedley High School and Reedley College sponsored by St. Anthony’s Parish. The purpose of our club is to motivate students to look into their faith and have a greater connection with God.

RHS Campus Ministry - Dale Martinez

Church & Altar Cleaning

Volunteers meet on Saturday mornings in the "Old" Church to participate in the cleaning of our Church. Please call to volunteer.

Coordinator: Carmen Garcia

Communion to the Homebound

When an illness, whether chronic or temporary, makes it difficult or impossible to get to Church on a weekly basis, then the ministers of Holy Communion in the parish will visit with the homebound person, bring them God’s Word and Holy Communion, and be the continuing presence of the St. Anthony’s community for them. Please call for more information.

Coordinator: Gabriela Camacho

Danzas Azteca San Antonio de Padua

Danzas Azteca es un grupo compuesto por jóvenes que danzan en los eventos en Honor de Ntra. Señora de Guadalupe. Este grupo practica durante el año en preparación para las celebraciones. Para más información o para participar, favor de llamar:

Directora: Yuliana Buendia

Daughters of the Divine Zeal

The Daughters of Divine Zeal are vowed women called by the love of God to live their baptismal consecration and to journey continually toward perfect charity… They work in parishes, schools, retreat houses, orphanages, nursing homes, hospitals, day care center as well as many other ministries throughout the Church. Here at St. Anthony’s the Daughters of the Divine Zeal are essential to our Parish School of St. La Salle.

Convent : 379 E. Manning Ave.

Encuentro Matrimonial

Tomas y Marie Alvarez

Estudio Biblico en Español

Somos un grupo de adultos que nos reunimos cada semana para servir a Nuestro Padre a través de la oración. Leemos, reflexionamos y discutimos las Escrituras de la Biblia para comprender mejor nuestra fe. Los nuevos miembros son siempre bienvenidos. Favor de llamar para más información.

Raul y Maria A.Gonzalez

Leo & Lucy

Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors

God calls our ministers in a special way to unite His Church in worship. If you feel a calling to serve at Mass as a Eucharistic Minister or to proclaim the Word as a Lector, please call the Parish Office for more information.

Hospitality Ministry

Greeters welcome visitors to our parish at the beginning of the mass, hand out the parish bulletin, and assist with any questions or concerns they may have. The commitment is based on the Greeter's availability. If being a volunteer is something you have considered lately but don't know where to start, then the Greeter Ministry may be for you.

Rosa Hernandez

Grief Support Ministry

Grief Support Ministry provides care, comfort and spiritual support to adults who are hurting from the loss of a loved one. With the grace of God and the Holy Spirit, we offer a safe and confidential environment where group members can share their unique journey of grief.

Contact : Art Rivera

Grupo de Oración Carismático

El Grupo de Oración Carismático se reúne cada semana y tiene como misión evangelizar a través de temas diversos, oración, y alabanza.

Para más información: Francisco y Rosalba Echeverria

Grupo Jovenes “MaJestad”

Este Grupo Juvenil ‘MaJestad” invita a la juventud (edad 13-17) a conocer más de la palabra de Dios. Todos están invitados a formar parte del grupo, en el cual se lleva acabo alabanzas, dinámicas, compartimiento de la palabra de Dios y por supuesto oración.

Directores: Nora Celis

Directores: Hernan Celis

Intentional Disciples / Discípulos Intencionales

The ID ministry creates opportunities for our parishioners to encounter and serve our Lord by organizing parish missions, retreats, youth rallies, book studies, parish wide consecrations, and concerts. If you have a calling to extend the grace of God to others through exciting activities and programs, then you are an Intentional Disciple. We would love to hear your ideas and make those ideas possible.

El ministerio de DI crea oportunidades para que nuestros feligreses se encuentren y sirvan a nuestro Señor mediante la organización de misiones parroquiales, retiros, manifestaciones de jóvenes, estudios de libros, consagraciones parroquiales y conciertos. Si tienes un llamado para extender la gracia de Dios a otros a través de actividades y programas emocionantes, entonces eres un discípulo intencional. Nos encantaría escuchar sus ideas y hacerlas posibles.

Contact Information/ Información de contacto: Rosa Hernandez

Knights Of Columbus - Council #10264

St. Anthony’s Council of the K of C is a group of Catholic men who lead, serve, protect and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models and to put charity and our community first. For more information, please call.

Grand Knight: P.J. Method

La Sociedad Guadalupana

La Sociedad Guadalupana está compuesta por hombres y mujeres devotos a La Virgen de Guadalupe. Este grupo se reúne una vez al mes y tiene como misión organizar eventos para recaudar fondos para la celebración de Ntra. Señora de Guadalupe, y también para las necesidades de nuestra parroquia. Favor de llamar para más información.

Presidenta: Nora Celis

Ladies Bible Studies

Bible studies are held on Thursdays from 10:30 to 11:45 AM at the Convent

Vocation Crucifix and Prayer

We invite you to bring the Vocation Cross into your home and spend one week praying for Vocations as a family. Some families choose to pray before going to bed; some pray the prayers when they prepare for their day, while others choose to pray before dinner. Please contact our coordinators to receive the Vocations Cross into your home, and join us in praying for Vocations to the Religious life.

Sr. Mary Lilly, F.D.Z. (English)

Marcelina Serquinia (English)

Rosa Maria Hernandez (Spanish)

Respect Life Committee

Please call for more information.

Miguel Sanchez

Mary Sanchez

St. Anthony Food Center

1318 11th St. Reedley, Ca.

Director: Fr. Denny Joseph, RCJ

Volunteer Coordinator: Marcelina Serquinia

St. Anthony’s Food Center provides food assistance to needy families, seeks to restore dignity, health and hope to people living in poverty. We reach out to the homeless, feeding the hungry and working to build a hunger-free tomorrow. To volunteer, or for assistance, please call the parish office at (559) 638-2012.

Youth Ministry - KHI - RHO

For 41 years now, this Parish Youth Group has strived to serve God through community service and build fellowship amongst our parish high school age youth. Meetings are held monthly and we start with an opening prayer, discuss old and new business. We also choose our monthly activity /outing and set-up the next KHI-RHO Youth Mass readers, etc. Every meeting is closed with a prayer. New members are always welcomed!

Danny Vasquez

Melody Montoya